

RiverML is a transfer language for one-dimensional hydraulic models of rivers which is currently under development. RiverML builds on WaterML 2.0, the existing Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard for water-related time series observations, and is intended for eventual adoption by the OGC.

RiverML 0.1 is a proof-of-concept version. RiverML 0.2 is a revised and expanded version based on the findings of a Harmonization Study. The Harmonization Study and a detailed description of RiverML 0.2 can be found in the Master's Thesis for Stephen Jackson at the University of Texas at Austin.

Preliminary XML schema documents and example files are presented here to aid in the collaborative development process. RiverML is still in the early stages of development, and subject to significant revision.

Feedback can be directed to Stephen Jackson (

RiverML 0.1 Schema Files

Download RiverML 0.1 Example 1

RiverML 0.2 Schema Files

Download RiverML 0.2 Example 1